


Option name Type Description
token String

The token to pass through the filter

return String

elasticlunr.stopWordFilter is an English language stop words filter, any words
contained in the stop word list will not be passed through the filter.

This is intended to be used in the Pipeline. If the token does not pass the
filter then undefined will be returned.
Currently this StopwordFilter using dictionary to do O(1) time complexity stop word filtering.

elasticlunr.stopWordFilter = function (token) {
  if (token && elasticlunr.stopWordFilter.stopWords[token] !== true) {
    return token;



Remove predefined stop words
if user want to use customized stop words, user could use this function to delete
all predefined stopwords.

elasticlunr.clearStopWords = function () {
  elasticlunr.stopWordFilter.stopWords = {};



Add customized stop words
user could use this function to add customized stop words

elasticlunr.addStopWords = function (words) {
  if (words == null || Array.isArray(words) === false) return;

  words.forEach(function (word) {
    elasticlunr.stopWordFilter.stopWords[word] = true;
  }, this);



Reset to default stop words
user could use this function to restore default stop words

elasticlunr.resetStopWords = function () {
  elasticlunr.stopWordFilter.stopWords = elasticlunr.defaultStopWords;

elasticlunr.defaultStopWords = {
  "": true,
  "a": true,
  "able": true,
  "about": true,
  "across": true,
  "after": true,
  "all": true,
  "almost": true,
  "also": true,
  "am": true,
  "among": true,
  "an": true,
  "and": true,
  "any": true,
  "are": true,
  "as": true,
  "at": true,
  "be": true,
  "because": true,
  "been": true,
  "but": true,
  "by": true,
  "can": true,
  "cannot": true,
  "could": true,
  "dear": true,
  "did": true,
  "do": true,
  "does": true,
  "either": true,
  "else": true,
  "ever": true,
  "every": true,
  "for": true,
  "from": true,
  "get": true,
  "got": true,
  "had": true,
  "has": true,
  "have": true,
  "he": true,
  "her": true,
  "hers": true,
  "him": true,
  "his": true,
  "how": true,
  "however": true,
  "i": true,
  "if": true,
  "in": true,
  "into": true,
  "is": true,
  "it": true,
  "its": true,
  "just": true,
  "least": true,
  "let": true,
  "like": true,
  "likely": true,
  "may": true,
  "me": true,
  "might": true,
  "most": true,
  "must": true,
  "my": true,
  "neither": true,
  "no": true,
  "nor": true,
  "not": true,
  "of": true,
  "off": true,
  "often": true,
  "on": true,
  "only": true,
  "or": true,
  "other": true,
  "our": true,
  "own": true,
  "rather": true,
  "said": true,
  "say": true,
  "says": true,
  "she": true,
  "should": true,
  "since": true,
  "so": true,
  "some": true,
  "than": true,
  "that": true,
  "the": true,
  "their": true,
  "them": true,
  "then": true,
  "there": true,
  "these": true,
  "they": true,
  "this": true,
  "tis": true,
  "to": true,
  "too": true,
  "twas": true,
  "us": true,
  "wants": true,
  "was": true,
  "we": true,
  "were": true,
  "what": true,
  "when": true,
  "where": true,
  "which": true,
  "while": true,
  "who": true,
  "whom": true,
  "why": true,
  "will": true,
  "with": true,
  "would": true,
  "yet": true,
  "you": true,
  "your": true

elasticlunr.stopWordFilter.stopWords = elasticlunr.defaultStopWords;

elasticlunr.Pipeline.registerFunction(elasticlunr.stopWordFilter, 'stopWordFilter');